
Why 8059

When the robotics club was set up in 2006, the team competed in the VEX Robotics competition under the team number 8088. Over the years, the number was switched to 8059. It was during this period that the club began to gain recognition on a global stage.

History of “Blank.” and the Robotics Club

In 2006, a group of students from Years 1-4 began to realise that whatever they had been learning in school was not lending themselves to strong real-world implications. Out of this desire to satisfy an insatiable curiosity for all things mechanical, The Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) Robotics Club was born that very same year. The original members coined the team name “Blank.”, a playful yet definitive name symbolising the club’s unwavering originality, open work culture and desire to create unconventional solutions, aptly encapsulating the spirit of the pioneering group.

Over the next few years, team Blank. caught the attention of the robotics community with their unconventional designs and envelope-pushing concepts: The teams were unafraid to face up against the strongest and most established competitors in micromouse, sumobot and dozens of other competitions that they could spend their time on. In 2008, the team decided to make its first foray into VEX, and the rest is history.

Inspired by the successes of the previous generations, the team continues the time-honoured tradition of the “8059 Way”, a strong multifaceted set of traditions such as student-led and student focused trainings, a commitment to open discussion and teamwork, as well as an emphasis on innovation and confidence in juniors to ensure continuity. With a renewed focus on exploring fresh opportunities for members at the school, national and global level, 8059 Blank. continues to push boundaries through diversification into various fields of STEM.

Merger of Coding Competition Team

In 2018, the schools Coding Competition Team, then known as the Computer Services Team was merged with the robotics club. This directed the club towards a more software oriented perspective. CCT focuses on the coding related competitions such as hackathons, capture-the-flag competitions and competitive programming.

Creation of the TechSquad

Established in 2019, the Tech Squad specialises in designing and creating tangible products for a wide range of competitions revolving around the theme of technology. It was formed to run the Digital Maker’s Zone (DMZ) in Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) which is the first student-run hub for innovation and tinkering in Singapore. Our students fabricate products meticulously using computer-aided designs (CAD) and bring them to life with the assistance of 3D-printers. They also prototype and develop a multitude of apps for both iOS and Android.